Who Is Jesus of Nazareth?
"Who say yea that I am?" is the question by which Jesus asked the twelve Apostles. (Mat 16:13,14 NLT) When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" "Well," they replied, "some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say Jeremiah or one of the other prophets." Then he asked them, "Who do you say I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God."
Men and women of our day is just as less challenged to answer the same question, a question upon which hangs the very meaning of life itself.
Who is this man whose influence has cast itself profound implication across the last nineteen centuries?
The only Jesus we may know is the one whose story is written in the New Testament by His close companions and disciples. This is the "historical Jesus." We must accept or reject the Jesus of the New Testament.
The Christ of Prophecy:
The best way to get an answer to the question, "Who is Jesus?" is to let Jesus speak for Himself. When the Samaritan woman assured Jesus that she knew when the Christ (Messiah) came He would declare all things, He replied, "I that speak unto thee am he" (John 4:25-26). To His disciples just before His ascension, He said, "These are my words which I spoke unto you, while I was with you, that all things must needs be fulfilled which are written in the law of Moses, and the prophets and the psalms concerning me . . . Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer, and rise again the third day" (Luke 24:44,46).
Whatever we may think of it, Jesus clearly claimed to be the promised Christ of all the Old Testament
Several hundred years before the birth of Jesus, Isaiah declared that the Christ would be descended from Jesse and David (11:1-9; 9:6-7; John 7:42) and be born of a virgin (7:14; Matthew 1:18-23). At the same time the prophet Micah spoke of Bethlehem as His birthplace (5:2; Matthew 2:3-6) . Yet, in spite of His human birth, Isaiah spoke of Him as "the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father" (9:6-7); and Micah said His goings forth were "from everlasting" (5:2).
More than four hundred years before His conception the prophet Zechariah spoke of His entrance into Jerusalem riding on an ass (9:9-10). Isaiah chronicled His suffering and death for the sins of the world long before they occurred and spoke beforehand of His burial with a rich man (53:1-9). David revealed the details of the crucifixion fully one thousand years before it transpired (Psalm 22:1 18), and prophesied of the resurrection that would follow (Psalm 16:9-10; Acts 2:25-32). A scheming deceiver might have contrived to seemingly fulfill some of the Messianic prophecies, but, however shrewd, no man has control of the circumstances of his birth and death.
Ancient Bible Prophecies Fulfilled in The Birth of Christ
The Following is a small list of Prophecy and their fulfillment:
Some of these prophecies were made 1,600 years before the birth of Christ and all of them were made over 400 years before. These are only a portion of the hundreds of prophecies made about Jesus Christ, and not one of them which concerned His first coming failed to come true.
Mic.5:2 |
Place of Birth |
Mat. 2:1 |
Isa.7:14 |
Virgin Birth |
Mat. 1:18 |
Isa.11:10 |
Lineage of David |
Luk. 2:4 |
Gen.3:15 |
seed of a Women |
Gal. 4:4 |
Gen.12:3 |
Descendant of Abraham |
Mat. 1:1 |
Gen.49:10 |
Tribe of Juda |
Luk. 3:33 |
Mic.5:2 |
Born in Bethlehem |
Luk. 2:4-7 |
Psa.41:9 |
Betrayal by Judas |
Mar. 14:10 |
Zec.11:12 |
Price for Betrayal |
Mat 26:15 |
Isa.50:6 |
Scourging |
Mat. 27:26,30 |
Psa.69:19 |
Shame, Reproach |
Mat. 27:28,29 |
Psa.35:11 |
False Witness |
Mar. 14:56 |
Psa.22:18 |
Parting of Garment |
Joh. 19:24 |
Isa.53:7 |
Dumb before Accusers |
Mat. 27:13,14 |
Psa.69:3 |
His Thirst |
Joh. 19:28 |
Psa.22:16 |
Pierced Hands/Feet |
Mat. 27:35 |
Zec.12:10 |
Pierced Side |
Luk. 23:35 |
Psa.22:14 |
His Heart Broken |
Joh. 19:34 |
Psa.22:1 |
Cry of Suffering |
Mat. 27:46 |
Isa.50:6 |
Marred Visage |
Mar. 14:65 |
Psa.22:31 |
Cry of Victory |
Joh. 19:30 |
Psa.31:5 |
Spirit to Father |
Luk. 23:46 |
Exo.12:46 |
Not a Broken Bone |
Joh. 19:33,36 |
Dan.9:26 |
Messiah cut off |
Joh. 11:50-52 |
Isa.53:9 |
Place of Burial |
Mat. 27:57-60 |
Amo.8:9 |
Darkness at Noon |
Mat. 27:45 |
Jer.31:15 |
Slaughter of Children |
Mat. 2:16 |
Hos.11:1 |
Flight to Egypt |
Mat. 2:14 |
Psa.2:7 |
Declared the Son of God |
Mat. 3:17 |
Isa.53:3 |
Rejected by His Own |
Joh. 1:11 |
The odds
According to the law of permutation (each additional detail included in any prediction lessens the probability of its being fulfilled in the exact order in which these details are given), the odds of just 10 prophecies coming true in the order in which they were given by chance or coincidence are 1 in 3,628,800. No mere man could make such claims, unless He is either, a Liar or a Lunatic? If we reject Jesus as God's Son we are compelled to place Him in one of these categories. We are left to decide if we are willing to attribute to insanity or wicked deception the finest hour of human history.
"A Liar?"
If Christ knew that he was not God when he made the claim John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Then he was also a hypocrite because he told everybody else to honest, ant whatever the coast while he was living bigger than life lie? Then if he was a lair he was also a fool for it lead to his death, and would a fool do this. John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me. than he was pure evil for deceiving everybody. But he always told people to good Mat 5:16 "Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."
A Lunatic?"If Christ was a Lunatic and not a lair, than he was a lunatic that knew what he was doing because he fulfilled over 300 prophetic dealing a messiah. The only way this could be done is if he spent his life studying every single scripture. But in reality if he were not God than he would have a 1 in 10157 power to do 1/4 of full prophecy if studied them all his life before he started his ministry". Jesus is also declared to be the Son of God by His resurrection from the dead (Romans 1:4). And the evidence for His resurrection is formidable. Both His friends and enemies agree on three facts: He died, was buried, and the tomb was empty. His enemies, unable to produce the body, bribed the sepulchre guards to tell the puerile story that "while we slept" His disciples came and stole the body away. Is it conceivable that men who ran away in fear while Jesus was alive would afterward risk their lives for possession of His corpse? There is only one explanation of the empty tomb, which answers to all the facts and explains the testimony of the disciples and their transformation into a joyous, militant band of preachers. Clearly, as they said, He had risen from the dead and they had seen Him!
"The Lord of Lords."
From His position as Christ and Son of God, Jesus claimed supreme power over every person and force in the universe (Matthew 28:18; Ephesians 1:20 22). Jesus also claimed that He was the very embodiment of truth and life and the only means of access to God (John 14:6; Matthew 11:27). It should be no surprise then that He demanded from all men a supreme and absolute loyalty (Matthew 10:37-38).
We would do well to ponder carefully the question, "Who is Jesus of Nazareth?" It is not the kind of question we can escape, and it sounds very much like our answer will determine our ultimate destiny (John 8:24).
But what does the Bible tell us.
But first what is the Bible:
The Bible is a Divine Revelation. In the Bible we find out what God wants mankind to know about Himself and His plan. The Bible is the only written revelation of God to man. No one has ever successfully refuted the Bible. Many mock the Bible but avoid challenging it point by point. No one who has done in-depth research, honestly examining the evidence for the Bible's inspiration and truthfulness, has been able to disprove the Bible. History records many who set out to disprove the Bible, who instead became believers.
Our Bible is composed of 66 books, by about 40 different writers of various backgrounds, living during a period of about 1,600 years -- yet they present one message. Such a miracle can only be explained by there being one divine Author, who was in control of all these human writers.
The Bible writers came from many walks of life, including kings, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, herdsmen, poets, statesmen, scholars, soldiers, priests, prophets, a tax collector, a tent making rabbi, and a Gentile doctor.
The Bible was written in three different languages: Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.
The writings contained in the Bible belong to a great variety of literary types including history, law, poetry, educational discourses, parables, biography, personal correspondence, and prophecy.
Books written by men have no unity of thought on even one subject. Some of them invariably disagree with others. But there is perfect unity between the books of the Bible -- which speak of hundreds of subjects in many fields. There is no contradiction among them.
Internal evidence-the Bible itself:
If the Bible is God's Word, then it must be the most authoritative revelation in the universe. Its reliability would be unmatched. It could not depend on something outside itself to prove its truthfulness; otherwise, that outside source would be more reliable than God's own word.
Its unity:
If the Bible were written by one or a team of men over a period of years, then the fact that the individual chapters should unite in forming one complete story would not be surprising. But the 66 books of the Bible were written by 40 men, over a period of 1,600 years in different places from Babylon to Rome. The original writings are in three languages, with different styles and viewpoints and contain prose and poetry as well as law, history, philosophy, doctrine, prophecy and ethics. Yet, the Scriptures tell one complete story with an undeniable unity throughout. No one writer contradicts another All the parts go together into one harmonious whole.